Tips For Make your Website Mobile Friendly in 2019

Tips for Mobile Friendly Website in 2019 :

For starters or newly designed sites, Google will rank your site lower than other sites that are friendlier to smart-phone users. You also stand to lose up to 60-70% of potential visitors.
Now a days You need a mobile friendly website ,no doubt about it. You shouldn’t ask yourself whether or not you need a mobile friendly website, as more than 60-70% of the US adult population using smart phone and the percentage of mobile traffic continues to increaselow cost web design in hyderabad
No need to create a separate version of your site for mobile users. You need one site, not two. creating two separate sites for mobile and desktop users now abuse your site’s overall effectiveness in more ways than one

Mobile Specific or Responsive Design:

Here two options when it comes to serving up your website to your mobile visitors. You need to create a mobile specific website that presents information from your website that you deem important, such as contact information and product listings. In case your visitors will benefit from being able to access all areas of the website then a responsive design is the way to go.low cost website designing

To convert your website to mobile friendly we have a few options:

1: Use a conversion platform: There are a no.of conversion platforms that you can use to simplify this process, including bMobilized or Duda Mobile

2: Plug-in: The best chance to create mobile friendly websites is to use a mobile plug-in. This works for sites such as Word-press. Its not require you to have two websites, and will ensure the website will be viewed in the mobile version when opened on a mobile browser.

3:Website with mobile-first responsive design: This is the most expensive of all options, and will require your entire website to be created using mobile responsive design. Rebuilding a website is not a step that every website owner can afford to take on initially; therefore the first two options serve as very good buffers in the interim.

4:Create mobile-friendly content:
Create you own content should make an instant splash and be quickly understood by your audience. This is mainly true on mobile devices where the screen real estate is so small.
5:Mobile Website Vs Mobile App

if you've taken the time to make your website mobile friendly, then what is the point of converting the website into an app? Consumers are looking for instant access, something that mobile web browsers can not guarantee. There are a number of other important reasons why mobile apps are more business-friendly.freelance web designers in hyderabad

5:Don’t forget Mobile Carts

One mistake we see websites make is completely ignoring their checkout and shopping cart experience on mobile devices. Not all shopping carts are mobile friendly and you could have the best mobile website but if your visitor hits the shopping cart and they have difficulty navigating they will bounce off. Shopping cart abandonment rates are already naturally sky high, so ensure that you have a mobile friendly checkout and shopping cart.
6:Don’t neglect to Test

After Completion Website Testing is a great way to see if you have a good responsive website;whether that works well in mobile devices. In some cases, testing is something you need to do on a regular and continuous basis. The results of every test are great insights that will help you keep your site performing well and capable of delivering the best user experience every time it is accessed.
Benefits of having a mobile-friendly website:

Seamless experience across devices;
Improved mobile conversion rate;
Improved user experience;
More flexible and cost-effective than app development.

Consider how important a website can be for any small and local business it seems only natural to take the additional care to ensure the website is mobile friendly. best website design company hyderabad


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